Thursday, October 10, 2013

Things To Do When You're BORED

Boredom is a state of mind in my account. There is a say that goes like this "things in motion tend to stay in motion and stagnant things stay put. Anyways to get to the point, this is a list of things I do when boredom crawls by.
  1. Watching my favorite YouTube videos or you tubers 
  2. Catch up on TV shows you have missed on Netflix
  3. Read my books or magazines... my favorite (cosmopolitan) or seventeen 
  4. Clean anything and everything while playing my Nigerian playlist but any music will do 
  5. Cooking happens a lot when there isn't much else to do
  6. You all know cell phones, iPod iPad and computers don't go to long without being touched 
  7. SOCIAL NETWORKING, blogs, YouTube, twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Vines and other networks 
  8. Rearrange my room but that's every 3 months or so 
  9. Read and write my journal to see the old me and the changes have made over the years  
  10. Pressure myself by shopping,  buying myself something and miss dial strangers to have random convo

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