Saturday, March 7, 2015


Hello lovely people!!!! so tonight am gonna party like my life depends on it. I'm not really a party animal but once in a while my inner goddess comes out to party and baby let me tell you even the twerk team ain't got nothing on me lol. Jk but for really though everyone needs to get loose once in a while just don't take it too far. Here are some pics of my outfit. The top and skirt are from aliexpress. They were nice and cheap lol $10. They came in separate with marching top and bottom but I like to miss match them once in awhile so its not like am wearing the same thing over and over. shoes are from rainbows also cheap $15. comment down below if you want to see more night time OOTNs.

bathroom pics

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Hello hello back with the flow. I'm getting better with posting this week. I also been positive and more active. Apart from feeling myself lol I have been actually getting dressed, putting thought into my outfits instead of putting whatever I laid my eyes first. I'm currently shopping for a bed and closet, so as soon as that is taken care of, dressing up will get better and hopefully become a routine. Well here is my outfit of the day.
boots- Justfab $39.95
dress-rainbows $10

Monday, March 2, 2015


Hello guys, so I been lacking motivation lately in almost every compartment. My new year resolutions aren't going well either but I keep telling myself that as long as I keep trying and not Quitting, then I will get there but patient is not my strong suit. Anyways bare with me on this journey to figure out how to get to the top and accomplish a few things on the way. Here is the outfit of  the day and sorry for the quality of the pics. who is feeling this red hair with the sides shaved???? comment if I should do blue hair next or purple