Sunday, January 4, 2015


  1. Movies- Guardians of the Galaxy& The Hunger Games 
  2. Music- Fancy by Iggy Azalea & Happy by Pharrell 
  3. Books -The Fault in the Stars by John Green  & 50 Shades of Grey by E.L. James 
  4. TV- Game of Thrones & True Blood 
  5. Weddings-  Brad Pitt 51 & Angelina Jolie 39, George Clooney 53 & Amal Alamuddin 36
  6. Divorce & Splits- Mariah Carey & Nick Cannon, Paula Patton & Robin Thicke
  7. Best Dresses- Lupita Nyong'o Nairobi blue dress Blake Lively rose gold Gucci premiere 
  8. Beauty Guru- Kylie Jenner lips, Katy Perry dark horse makeup
  9. Feuds- Jay Z &Solange Chris Brown, Drake & Karrueche
  10. Worst moments- Ferguson case & Ebola 
  11. Death - Maya Angelou, Joann rivers 
  12. Most Googled - Robin William