Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to Manage Stress pt 1

We live in a world where there is just soo much going on that many tend to forget about themselves and their health.

what am getting at is, we all deserve some happiness. To start why don't we start with smiling a little. Did you know that a fake smile and a real smile create the same effect in your body. Your body can't differentiate the difference between them two. So no matter how much pain or anger push out that fake smile it will do you some good. This is has been proved by research. IT AIN'T ALL BULLS***

They don't say laughter is the best medicine for nothing.  why do you think children are so much happier. They laugh at least 400 times a day while adults average 15 laughs a day. Most people including me always say how free childhood was and no worries with bills and stress. what if we just started by taking some time and atleast try and smile or laugh as much as possible thru the day. That we make a difference.

I'm not talking about just randomly bursting out a laugh but watch a comedy if you have free time, take a sec and go on twitter or instagram and read some funny memes.

There is just so many places or ideas that can make people happy.

let me know if this helped so I can write more into this blog.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bro time

Heellllo guys long time no write lol. Had so much fun filming and hanging out with my bro drickjogoo. Check him out on his youtube channel coming soon as in now. Check out my makeup look for the day.  I went a little crazy with the makeup... eyeshadow but I really loved it. What do you guys think?