Friday, June 20, 2014

Jeremy Meeks/ convicted felon

LADIES LADIES LADIES!!!!!! Why do we act this way. I understand the man is fine but he does not deserve this kind of attention. What kind of bullshit are we encouraging when we praise a convicted man and those that have done bad stuff to people. My opinion, we should yes give him a compliment but then let it be known that its not ok to do what he did even if he is hot.
Thats basically saying hot people should do anything they wish to and it is not as bad as everyone else who is not as attractive. Jeremy Meek, the stockton convicted felon should not be receiving all this attention while he is in a prison and also for the wrong he has done. People atleast wait till he changes his life for the good to do this. This is not a tv show, this is reality!!! I fear for our kids future if this is the bullshit we are teaching them.

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