Friday, July 25, 2014

summer diary 1

It was a long day today, I worked and ended my shift late, came home started my chores. The dishes in the sink were still waiting for me just like all my other responsibilities. Half of my home chores were done at work. Killing two birds with one stone. All the laundry was done but now still needs to be put away. Its a friday and no one is home, not even the little one. Maybe at this point you can guess what kind of adult I am. House to myself on a friday night so I decided to clean. Opened the windows to air out the house cause it feels so nice and cool outside.  I felt a little inspired and started listening to classical music but the tune or noises coming from outside overwhelmed the music. Not in a bad way of course since its so soothing and reminds me of home. This is why sometimes I appreciate not living in the city. The sound of crickets and frogs singing or humming or whatever noise they make reminds me of a place I come from. We used to live near water away from neighbors, no electricity or tap water. Man the good old hard  times!!!!

Anyways its a tough life anywhere you go. Its how you approach it that changes your view. It's gonna be a short night and Thank you God for another day of life. Goodnight :)

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