Sunday, December 29, 2013


our church outfits this weekend 

Holiday Parties/ black/gold attire

My girls and I last night at a friends birthday party/ end of the year party. everything I wore except my shows was from H&M. Shoes from Traffic.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Halloo Everyone!!!!! So the holidays have been treating me quite  well. I have to admit even though work has been killing me a little more than usual, it's kinda of paying off. Bills paid on time, enjoying my new MacBook Pro,  and can afford a lot more clothes and shoes. Really can't complain even thou us humans can never be satisfied when it comes to the thirsty of money.  Anyways here are some pieces of outfits I put together. CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL FOR THE HAUL VIDEOS.  ENJOY!!!!

Yellow pants-Ross $10
black Jacket- H&M $24.95
Boots-Dots $20
Scarf-walmart $2
Neckless-forever 21 $4.80
White & gold top- Jcypenny $6

White top-H&M $5.95
Coral blazer-H&M $24.95
Skirt -H&M $17.95
Tights- Walmart $5

Fur Vest- JCypenny $72 
Pants- Ross $10 
Top-H&M $12.95
Boots-Burington coat factory $15

Shorts- Ross $9
Top-H&M $5.95
Dress- Forever 21 $12
Tights- Walmart $5
Scarf-H&M $5.95

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Church Attire

Hallooo .... so even though its cold outside and I wore my day to day boots to church instead of heels like usually, still took some pics. HAPPY SABBATH EVERYONE

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Happy Independence Day Kenya

It crazy Kenya is so young on how long we have been independent.  Still exciting celebrating JAMHURI DAY. So proud of my motherland!  HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY KENYA!!!!! LOVE MY COUNTRY.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Diary One Virginity Age and The Wolrd

Halooo.... I don't know if its everyone or just me but bedtime to me is thoughts time. Why is it that when your body wants to rest thats when the mind is wide awake. You can have a thoughts running through and analyze all of them breaking them down right when you need to not think but sleep.

Lately I have been feeling some tupe of way.  To begin with this thoughts of mine, I have to let you know that am struggling with life in general but mainly my sexual status. I am a virgin. At 21 years old in this day and age, people don't really think its possible to be and have been cellibate for this long.
The challenges with being a virgin in the 21st century is the fact that you feel like you're the only one, an outcast and there is constant force of either peer pressure and media influence that you have to fight.
I can say have come close to failing myself many times but what has held me up is having a best friend who is just like me in that department.  It's crazy that even friends who have known you for so long don't want to believe on the fact that they lost their virginity so their is no way I still have mine.
Since I was young, my parents always told me stories of how things are to be and what they have done themselves to get to where they had. I was raised in the church and its traditions if I may say. Not to offend anyone but the world's view of the future has really changed as we go forward with life. I fear for the generations to come. If its only getting worst how was is yet to come.
Piece of mind, life is a journey you are your own self leader. Guide yourself to the right path. The choice is yours and yours only. Anyone else like parents are there either to teach you a lesson and show you a way to avoid the mistakes.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Victoria Secret Fashion Show

Halooo... so tonight was a big night for a lot people who love models and anything from Victorias Secret. Their annual show tends to get better by year. Watching the show mostly the commercial or holiday shoot that they did in paris, it just made me feel like one day a bra and underwear  will be all people are going to wear. Its things like this that influence how people feel think or view things. I felt like if Kenyandime had a body like the models do, Surely enough, I would be cloth less almost 24/7. anyways it was a great fantastic show and now i wanna be a model lol sike. I wish in my dreams.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

National Football League

The Lions and Eagles are really playing in this heavy snow. As entertaining as football gets lol, this is better. Ni**** cant even see the ball. My baby Reggie Bush is hurt thou.... hope the eagles win. So far if you haven't noticed they are both not my team. The Patriots is where am at but still love me some Reggie.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela

R.I.P Nelson Mandela. He is one of the greatest man I have ever known in this world.  So influential and inspiring to the world at large.  In short, he shall be missed but not forgotten

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

MAC BOOK PRO with retina display

Hey world.... 
So I got a new Mac Book Pro yesterday & have been hooked on it. My excitement couldn't be tamed so I decided to make a video of me unboxing it. It should be up sometime later today.
Life is seriously looking up. Hoping to get this second job tomorrow so I can send money home to my dad do he doesn't starve to death while trying to help others.
My dad is my hero, role model and more.  Sometimes I wonder how he does all that he does with how lil he has, while here I can't stop complaining of how I don't have the unnecessary things. Well some is actually very important.  Talking about paying house bills so we dont end up on the street.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happy Holidays

Sooooo I have been M.I.A for the last few months but finally am back on track. something about the holidays give me life. Having family and friends around not forgeting food makes me more than happy. Hopefully everyone is having a great time and had so much fun on THANKSGIVING  and BLACK FRIDAY.  Anyways life feels like its getting back on track. God is doing wonders for me and praying that you're also in good health and surviving.

R.I.P to PAUL WALKER  and the driver.... it was  a big shock to me, thought it was a rumor at first. didn't want to believe it but it happened. FAST AND FURIOUS a'int gonna be the same without him.

MIDNIGHT MEMORIES is such a good album. They brought it out at such good timing too, the holidays when everyone shops and buy presents. HALF A HEART is my favorite.

What the f**ck  is up with Kanye West and Kk new video????? I'm all so late with these but it was a horrible poor quality video and it wasn't sexy if thats what they were going for in my opinion.

From now on I'm gonna be around updating everyone on my life just cause its kind of fun to here what people think of this fucked up life I got going on. STAY TUNED!!!