Friday, February 13, 2015

OOTD Vacay day 2 Tampa Florida 5linx Convention

HELLO WORLD!!!! So while in a business trip in Tampa, I learned a lot from my mentors not just for business setting but also in life. I was really inspired by the quotes they gave that all had long great stories behind them. So I thought I would share with you and maybe inspire you too. "Everything rises and falls on leadership" ARE YOU A LEADER. Leadership is influence. There are always people somewhere looking up to you so like it or not you're a leader. So please let guide those that follow us or look up to us the right direction. It might save a life. LEADERSHIP IS INFLUENCE!!!! Now for the look of the day.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

OOTD High waisted Jeans/ Red shaved sides hair

Hello people!!!! I woke up feeling like a jeans day so I put this outfit together. It was a pretty productive day. It used to be a routine to wake up and accomplish things but lately have been feeling uninspired and lazy. Its been like a disease eating at me so am trying to change that. I have noticed that when i push myself to get ready in the morning, dress up and look good, my day usually goes a lot smoother and better. Well here is my mini photo shoot

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

OOTD Vacay Black and White Party

"you can't choose what life throws at you but you can choose how you react to it". I enjoyed this party, the music was great, the company was nice and the picture were a topping.  What would you wear to a black and white party? check out the pics