Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Diary One Virginity Age and The Wolrd

Halooo.... I don't know if its everyone or just me but bedtime to me is thoughts time. Why is it that when your body wants to rest thats when the mind is wide awake. You can have a thoughts running through and analyze all of them breaking them down right when you need to not think but sleep.

Lately I have been feeling some tupe of way.  To begin with this thoughts of mine, I have to let you know that am struggling with life in general but mainly my sexual status. I am a virgin. At 21 years old in this day and age, people don't really think its possible to be and have been cellibate for this long.
The challenges with being a virgin in the 21st century is the fact that you feel like you're the only one, an outcast and there is constant force of either peer pressure and media influence that you have to fight.
I can say have come close to failing myself many times but what has held me up is having a best friend who is just like me in that department.  It's crazy that even friends who have known you for so long don't want to believe on the fact that they lost their virginity so their is no way I still have mine.
Since I was young, my parents always told me stories of how things are to be and what they have done themselves to get to where they had. I was raised in the church and its traditions if I may say. Not to offend anyone but the world's view of the future has really changed as we go forward with life. I fear for the generations to come. If its only getting worst how was is yet to come.
Piece of mind, life is a journey you are your own self leader. Guide yourself to the right path. The choice is yours and yours only. Anyone else like parents are there either to teach you a lesson and show you a way to avoid the mistakes.

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