Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Happy Holidays

Sooooo I have been M.I.A for the last few months but finally am back on track. something about the holidays give me life. Having family and friends around not forgeting food makes me more than happy. Hopefully everyone is having a great time and had so much fun on THANKSGIVING  and BLACK FRIDAY.  Anyways life feels like its getting back on track. God is doing wonders for me and praying that you're also in good health and surviving.

R.I.P to PAUL WALKER  and the driver.... it was  a big shock to me, thought it was a rumor at first. didn't want to believe it but it happened. FAST AND FURIOUS a'int gonna be the same without him.

MIDNIGHT MEMORIES is such a good album. They brought it out at such good timing too, the holidays when everyone shops and buy presents. HALF A HEART is my favorite.

What the f**ck  is up with Kanye West and Kk new video????? I'm all so late with these but it was a horrible poor quality video and it wasn't sexy if thats what they were going for in my opinion.

From now on I'm gonna be around updating everyone on my life just cause its kind of fun to here what people think of this fucked up life I got going on. STAY TUNED!!!

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