Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Halooo... Happy New Year everyone. I had the craziest new years get together but the outcome was still fun. So my friends and I happy planned to go to DC this year for new years parties. Everything was set, new years eve we drive up to get ready for the night of surprise and fun. We were trying to be spontaneous and not decide our destination for the night, the only thing we were sure of was a place to spend the night or morning, where we could crash at before our journey back home. To get to the point, we ended up not going out and instead having friends and there friends come to us for a party that we called a "new years get together" people came brought many drinks of all sorts and food. we started playing games... music, dancing and some people disappeared for a while then came back. lots of pics were taken except I forgot my most dear camera cause a friend borrowed it and hadn't given it back. Over all the craziness of people passing out from either drinking dancing or eating too much, I enjoyed laughing at all of it and the turn out of the whole thin. Got to see my 2 best friends but one was missing and all the people that came I knew or had seen so it was like a friend reunion. It turns out that the start of this is was a great one. Just hoping to end the year in the same gratitude as I have at the moment. God Bless Everyone and may this year be bountiful to each and everyone of you.

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