Tuesday, January 14, 2014

soooo thankful for God's blessings

I have had not such a great life but it has been a good ride so far. I believe everything happens for a reason we just have to be strong and take the bull by the horns and enjoy the ride. Anyways just so appreciative for the people in my life and for the blessings and guidance from the Most High. We all go through tough times and sometimes we forget to thanks God for those good times we had. Remember He is the one who guides us and helps us through it all so through the good and the bad lets remember to go to Him. I know I forget a lot and came to figure out the more I stay away from God, the more stress, the more problems and worries that come with everything that gets on my way. All I know, I wouldn't be who I am today without His blessings. Hope everyone has a wonderful year and let me know what you all do to stay humble and thankful in your daily lives on google+.

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