Friday, February 14, 2014

Dream big

once upon a time, there was a girl stack at home due to a snow storm so she decided to tell her life story to the world thru a blog. WELL now that I got you started, here it goes. The year 1992 a girl was born. she was the first child to two loving parents. The world she was born two seemed very harsh to the outsiders but normal to the people living in it. This girl as any first borns in this area was loved very much but little did she know the responsibilities that will come later on in her life due to the fact that she was the first born child. She was a very odd, well different looking child. That made her a lot more known to the society than the normal. The parents didn't help with that since they also seemed to know almost everyone she can recall. It wasn't all bad for a little child to be loved and known her cute deformities at the moment but as she grew up, thats all she was ever reminded off. The love from her parents is what helped her forget of her short comings. God was a big factor for this young lady and when I say miracles happen, I mean it. Just to finish off this clip of a story, the deformities that she was living with started to disappear slowly as she grew up.


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