Sunday, February 2, 2014


 The Best Commercials

  2. H&M- David Beckham shirtless
  4. FORD- hot characters
  5. HYUNDAI- The kids almost hurting themselves was funny 
  6. BEATS- Ellen Dancing
  7. OIKOS- Full house crew 
  8. SODACrew- Scarlet Johanson is gorgeous, hope it does go viral  
  9. COKE - The language connection

Usually only watch the super bowl when my team is playing or for the commercials and halftime show. This year the Superbowl was  not even interesting, the commercials were mostly whack and corny lol.  For example RADIO SHACK, 'the 80s called they want there store back'.... they could have thought of a better ad.

Girls like funny commercials but also hotties to looks at.
Boys or men like them funny but appreciate the intensity of the game better
We both like them funny and creative

Half time wasn't so bad. Bruno Mars turn't up but it still could have been better.
The BRONCOS  sucked... sorry Peyton. SEA HAWKS killed it, I still didn't really like the game much. It was quiet boring not much competition or effort put in. SUPER BOWL 48 lucked some heat. Thats just my opinion. What did everyone think, let me know on twitter.

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