Monday, February 24, 2014

Hard Times

So we been going thru a lot of things lately. Dad has been out of the country for a while now. Dad leaving was one of the hardest things have ever gone thru in my life. The adjustment took a great toll on me and my mom more than anyone else. We have been trying to move on and live but we were not ready for the change. Life sure is hard but to me its seems like every time I take a step forward, I fall back 10 steps.  so on top of us getting better jobs to afford the house we are living in, trying to fix up cars that keep breaking down due to the fact that they are old and the weather has been terribly cold, we still don't got it together. Dad isn't coming back anytime soon. I can't even go to school anymore, my sis isn't in school either.
This has just been really hard on us. It has put so much stress on us and poor health on my mother that we are not thinking straight for ourselves. Been praying to find a way out of this but there is just so much negativity around that nothing good is coming around. Last night we got news that our dearest uncle, my moms youngest brother had just passed away and being in a stumble that we are in right now, nobody is holding themselves together. The only reason why am writing this is too get to my almost happy place. Writing gives me a peace of mind and takes me to a world of my own. I wish someone could tell me how to get out of this successfully since every time I try to get out, I get sucked back in.

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