Friday, February 14, 2014


Hellooooo youuu yea you reading this, where are you? do you see snow or are you in a warm climate? if you're in the warm weather, lucky you but for the rest of us stuck with rain and snow here is how to get by.

  1. Oder a bunch of movies,  or get on Netflix 
  2. Get in your most comfy pajamas or leggings & a baggy shirt
  3. If you're of age some wine is good if not mix up a your favorite juice lol water is fine
  4. Gather your sibling for a movie marathon or by yourself 
  5. If you don't like movies, get on youtube and type in whatever you're in the mood for 
  6. Funny videos are usually the best to get your mind out of this world 
  7. My advice watch comedies like Kevin Hart- all the laughing will be your exercise and will keep you warm 
  8. Order pizza or Chinese or for a healthier choice cook, but for me this is my lazy day usually so a quick sandwich will do. 
  9. litle Antony's Pizza
  10. Actually don't order pizza cause you don't want anyone driving and maybe dying on the road just for pizza unless you know the roads are clear. 
  11. People who film, this is the best time to, the sky is bright the snow has this natural white color balance
  12. online shopping- ebay, amazon  
THERE IS A LOT YOU COULD DO! Here is what I did yesterday when we got 10 inches of snow. 

The snow stopped at 7am in the morning when I was waking up, sike I woke up at 10am. Didn't have work so it was almost ok. My bros got up and went snow shaveling. This is the time they rack up on money. They hustle like they are grown ups man. It's crazy! They made almost $300 together just the 2 of them in 3hrs. when they got home at 10, they woke me up to take them to get food and the little one wanted to activate his phone. since am the kind older sister took him to Walmart  then Walgreens then to Little Antony's Pizza then went back home with chunk food to do the soda challenge which I need to edit and put it on youtube. 

What do you guys do on snow days or free days in the weekday aways from school????

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