Friday, November 7, 2014

Out here doing things/ LIFE IN THE PROCESS

Hello everyone, so today I took my bro and his friend to go take care of some responsibilities so they could learn a thing or two about being an adult. It turned out to be quit a nice day, went out to eat at IHOP, visited some friends who picked up my spirits and inspired me in so many levels. I am very thankful for all the positive people in my life. I sure needed it. God is a great God, a miracle worker. Anyways here is our little adventure for the day. More outfits for the guys coming soon.

Monday, November 3, 2014


Hello everyone. I hope all is well, and if not, that too shall pass. I just uploaded a video on this looks if you want to check it out on my channel.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Hello people!!!! how are you??? This was my off day and the sun was beaming but it wasn't hot at all so thought this was a great comfy outfit for this kind of adventure. My bro and I went shopping for his car and I thought tagging along and finding a new place to take a picture wouldn't hurt lol so here they are.

Jean Jacket- Jcpenney 
Black Skirt-Forever 21
Leopard Top- Forever 21
Bag- Justfab
Shoes- Amazon

check out my youtube channel to see the vlog video for this ootd. 
To order this bag or any shoes from justfab, use the link below

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Highest Paying Jobs 2014

  1. Investment Banker -$500,000
  2. Neurosurgeon- $280,000
  3. Orthodontist- $195,000
  4. Commodity Trader- $160,000
  5. Criminal Defense Attorney- $148,000
  6. Asbestos Lawyer- $145,000
  7. Commercial Insurance Agent- $120,000
  8. Software Developers- $103,000
  9. Security and Commodities trader- $101,000
  10. Mortgage Advisor- $95,000

some people go to school for what they love and some just for the money. Well here is a guide on what is high ranked on the money scales so you can be able to choose your ladder. yes maybe just being a teacher, doctor, nurse, lawyer is the usual money making school studies you take. if you wanted to move up and you think you could make it, these are the fields you should be exploring to achieve.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

vlog 1: work flow

Makeup Beginner Brushes

Are you looking for a brush set to start your makeup collection? are you looking for cheap brushes with great quality? well what if I can tell you that Eyes Lips Face- elf cosmetics has just the thing for you. There brushes are soft, sturdy, dense, cheap, and they do the work. To make it even easier for a beginner, the each brush tells you what its use is. The brushes am talking about are the elf studio 11 set brush collection. This is not a sponsored review. I have had the brushes for 2 years now and I think they are the best starting kit brushes around. checkout my video on youtube on the cons and pros if you're thinking of purchasing. They are $30 on the elf site and $22 at target. 

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Addicted the movie review/ comment

so tonight I decided to go out to the movies to see ADDICTED and boy was I amazed. It didn't take long for this to get going. The first 5 mins basically told you the whole story from the trailer so its like whatever you imagined it would be with a tint more of sexy is what it was. I was officially supposed to go with my date to see but then I thought it wouldn't be that comfortable watching it with him since we don't even know each other that well. Glad I canceled the date cause it could have been one hell of an awkward date. All those sex scenes and my number one crush on the screen speaking in tongues lol spanish. I would have lost it. I have to give that if it wasn't for the twist they added to the movie it wouldn't have been that great. The whole other scenes is whatever was in the trailer gave it away. Loved that the cast was short. The story line was simple and not complicated. The twist however was a lil surprising. My darling handsome gorgeous Willam Levy changed his whole character so first. Things went 0-100 real quick. That for me was the edge of surprise I was looking for but did not expect. I hope they make another one just like it. Loved the cast more than I can explain. Zane sure wrote an incredible provocative sexual thriller book.  would definitely watch again.

the cast 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Get Ready with me- Wedding Tingz

so this summer is officially offer and I got to end it with a wedding event. Here is how I got ready for it. Would you guys wear this to a wedding or nah. CHECK OUT THE VIDEO ON YOUTUBE. press the link.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Makeup selfies

What look do you like best?? Check out my YouTube channel to see what looks have done and request what you would like to see. Back to school makeup tutorials.  

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Simple Black & White OOTD

Lately this has been my style. Everyone should follow me on IG at Kenyandime, . I follow back. check out my outfits on a daily basis. subscribe to my youtube channel and let me know if am inspiring anyone. I appreciate each one of and may God bless you all. Have a lovely say. Don't forget to crack a smile for me or even some laughter will do. 

 watch the link for a giveaway :)

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ways to make money fast

  1. Do people's hair- Learn how to do your own hair so you don't have to pay some else 
  2. Make youtube videos 
  3. Write blogs 
  4. Recycle
  5. Use coupons to save on things you buy
  6. Housekeeping 
  7. Babysitting 
  8. Taking online surveys 
  9. online surveys
  10. apps like viggle, swagbucks

Friday, July 25, 2014

summer diary 1

It was a long day today, I worked and ended my shift late, came home started my chores. The dishes in the sink were still waiting for me just like all my other responsibilities. Half of my home chores were done at work. Killing two birds with one stone. All the laundry was done but now still needs to be put away. Its a friday and no one is home, not even the little one. Maybe at this point you can guess what kind of adult I am. House to myself on a friday night so I decided to clean. Opened the windows to air out the house cause it feels so nice and cool outside.  I felt a little inspired and started listening to classical music but the tune or noises coming from outside overwhelmed the music. Not in a bad way of course since its so soothing and reminds me of home. This is why sometimes I appreciate not living in the city. The sound of crickets and frogs singing or humming or whatever noise they make reminds me of a place I come from. We used to live near water away from neighbors, no electricity or tap water. Man the good old hard  times!!!!

Anyways its a tough life anywhere you go. Its how you approach it that changes your view. It's gonna be a short night and Thank you God for another day of life. Goodnight :)

Friday, July 18, 2014


  1. Sleeping on your side instead of the back
  2. Hot showers before bed
  3. Raising the head of  the bed
  4. Practicing good sleeping habits
  5. Changing your pillow cases 
  6. Avoid alcohol and tranquilizers
  7. Losing weight or exercising 
  8. Stop smoking 
  9. Avoid eating too much before bed
  10. Inadequate sleep 

Friday, June 20, 2014

Jeremy Meeks/ convicted felon

LADIES LADIES LADIES!!!!!! Why do we act this way. I understand the man is fine but he does not deserve this kind of attention. What kind of bullshit are we encouraging when we praise a convicted man and those that have done bad stuff to people. My opinion, we should yes give him a compliment but then let it be known that its not ok to do what he did even if he is hot.
Thats basically saying hot people should do anything they wish to and it is not as bad as everyone else who is not as attractive. Jeremy Meek, the stockton convicted felon should not be receiving all this attention while he is in a prison and also for the wrong he has done. People atleast wait till he changes his life for the good to do this. This is not a tv show, this is reality!!! I fear for our kids future if this is the bullshit we are teaching them.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Favorite Songs June 2014

  1. Drake ft Jhene Aiko- From Time 
  2. Trey Songz- Oh nana nana
  3. Chris Brown- Loyal 
  4. Jhene Aiko- The worst 
  5. Future ft Pharrell- Move that Dope 
  6. Wiz Khalifa- We Dem Boys
  7. Fancy- Iggy
  8. Problem- Ariana Grande 
  9. Left right- YG
  10. Fight Night- Migos 

Relationships/late night thoughts

what kind of relationship do we really deserve? Have you ever gotten to the point where you ask yourself that question? well today I have come to answer that question and hopefully get other opinions on it. At the moment I wrote this, I had just talked to an ex potential boyfriend cutting him off from ever becoming one just from a repetition of things he does that annoy and can't be tolerated in my book. now most of you might start thinking why am going hard on a guy that you're not dating? Because I like to know them very well in different scenarios before putting myself in a hot sit. I'm all about the friendship first before anything else rule.

story time. so it started out like this, a girl walks into Walmart, a man stops her gives her a compliment then asks for her number after a few awkward lines of conversation. girl doesn't think the man is handsome for her taste but also does not rudely make him feel rejected. The girl observes every little aspect from the way he talks to the way he opens the door for the lady at the door. girl sees his nice car even thou he doesn't know she sees her. Girl goes home, boy texts girl they start talking, girl realizes the boy is legit qualified as a man she wants in life but the only thing is, she is not attracted to him. 

reality check! girl starts thinking how this is happening, how he can be so perfect but miss that one thing, she start discouraging herself, her goals, standards. Its the middle of the night and she can't sleep then she gets a text from the guy she was talking to who definitely has the looks and the charm but nothing else she wants a man to have yet she tries to give this douche bag a chance and leave the not so attractive guy with a well put together live (shit together) a chance. 

Girl started thinking putting pieces together and realizes her life goals missions people she wanted to be surrounded with have changed. She then starts asking herself all these questions about life, relationships and the fucking future she had dreamt of. since she mainly focused on relationships from all that realization, she dumps mr good looks with no future plans but still does not bring mr  unattractive with a bright future to board. 

Although this might be a sad turn out, girl realizes the ppl that she surrounded herself with had affected the bright future and goals she was chasing. She had just slowly settling down for less until mr unattractive came by and opened her eyes to what she could still get to achieve. 

in this case, we are talking about a girls whose standards were so high and well set but the people she surrounded herself with had low standards or were starting not to care so much for them that she also  fell into the pressure to follow the crowd. It was until she got a rude awakening of the situation she was getting herself into and that whatever she had before could still be as she wanted that she got back on track. Even thou it feels like she is now back to zero, its better than where she was headed to settle below zero.

it might sound like a metaphor... my brain does this at night. comment down if you ever feel this way or its just me stuck in the struggle.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

How to Manage Stress pt 1

We live in a world where there is just soo much going on that many tend to forget about themselves and their health.

what am getting at is, we all deserve some happiness. To start why don't we start with smiling a little. Did you know that a fake smile and a real smile create the same effect in your body. Your body can't differentiate the difference between them two. So no matter how much pain or anger push out that fake smile it will do you some good. This is has been proved by research. IT AIN'T ALL BULLS***

They don't say laughter is the best medicine for nothing.  why do you think children are so much happier. They laugh at least 400 times a day while adults average 15 laughs a day. Most people including me always say how free childhood was and no worries with bills and stress. what if we just started by taking some time and atleast try and smile or laugh as much as possible thru the day. That we make a difference.

I'm not talking about just randomly bursting out a laugh but watch a comedy if you have free time, take a sec and go on twitter or instagram and read some funny memes.

There is just so many places or ideas that can make people happy.

let me know if this helped so I can write more into this blog.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Bro time

Heellllo guys long time no write lol. Had so much fun filming and hanging out with my bro drickjogoo. Check him out on his youtube channel coming soon as in now. Check out my makeup look for the day.  I went a little crazy with the makeup... eyeshadow but I really loved it. What do you guys think?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Diy Jewerly / Nail Polish Stand

So I wanted to spice up my dest a little bit so I decided to make this. To see how to make this jewrly stand check out my post before this one or on youtube . Thank you for reading please leave comments below.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Green & Black tuxedo dress/ OOTD

HELLO READERS! its been a while since I put up an outfit of the day look up so figured there is no right time than now lol. what do you guys think. Also check out my channel on youtube pls and thank you :)

white flannel jacket- walmart $10

dress- ebay $12

shoes- target $20 

Friday, April 11, 2014

cute black people short hair styles

Hello everyone!!!!These are just some quick hair styles I put together for inspiration. Since summer is around the corner most people like me can't stand long hair so these are some short black people hair styles more of other styles to come.