Friday, June 20, 2014

Jeremy Meeks/ convicted felon

LADIES LADIES LADIES!!!!!! Why do we act this way. I understand the man is fine but he does not deserve this kind of attention. What kind of bullshit are we encouraging when we praise a convicted man and those that have done bad stuff to people. My opinion, we should yes give him a compliment but then let it be known that its not ok to do what he did even if he is hot.
Thats basically saying hot people should do anything they wish to and it is not as bad as everyone else who is not as attractive. Jeremy Meek, the stockton convicted felon should not be receiving all this attention while he is in a prison and also for the wrong he has done. People atleast wait till he changes his life for the good to do this. This is not a tv show, this is reality!!! I fear for our kids future if this is the bullshit we are teaching them.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Favorite Songs June 2014

  1. Drake ft Jhene Aiko- From Time 
  2. Trey Songz- Oh nana nana
  3. Chris Brown- Loyal 
  4. Jhene Aiko- The worst 
  5. Future ft Pharrell- Move that Dope 
  6. Wiz Khalifa- We Dem Boys
  7. Fancy- Iggy
  8. Problem- Ariana Grande 
  9. Left right- YG
  10. Fight Night- Migos 

Relationships/late night thoughts

what kind of relationship do we really deserve? Have you ever gotten to the point where you ask yourself that question? well today I have come to answer that question and hopefully get other opinions on it. At the moment I wrote this, I had just talked to an ex potential boyfriend cutting him off from ever becoming one just from a repetition of things he does that annoy and can't be tolerated in my book. now most of you might start thinking why am going hard on a guy that you're not dating? Because I like to know them very well in different scenarios before putting myself in a hot sit. I'm all about the friendship first before anything else rule.

story time. so it started out like this, a girl walks into Walmart, a man stops her gives her a compliment then asks for her number after a few awkward lines of conversation. girl doesn't think the man is handsome for her taste but also does not rudely make him feel rejected. The girl observes every little aspect from the way he talks to the way he opens the door for the lady at the door. girl sees his nice car even thou he doesn't know she sees her. Girl goes home, boy texts girl they start talking, girl realizes the boy is legit qualified as a man she wants in life but the only thing is, she is not attracted to him. 

reality check! girl starts thinking how this is happening, how he can be so perfect but miss that one thing, she start discouraging herself, her goals, standards. Its the middle of the night and she can't sleep then she gets a text from the guy she was talking to who definitely has the looks and the charm but nothing else she wants a man to have yet she tries to give this douche bag a chance and leave the not so attractive guy with a well put together live (shit together) a chance. 

Girl started thinking putting pieces together and realizes her life goals missions people she wanted to be surrounded with have changed. She then starts asking herself all these questions about life, relationships and the fucking future she had dreamt of. since she mainly focused on relationships from all that realization, she dumps mr good looks with no future plans but still does not bring mr  unattractive with a bright future to board. 

Although this might be a sad turn out, girl realizes the ppl that she surrounded herself with had affected the bright future and goals she was chasing. She had just slowly settling down for less until mr unattractive came by and opened her eyes to what she could still get to achieve. 

in this case, we are talking about a girls whose standards were so high and well set but the people she surrounded herself with had low standards or were starting not to care so much for them that she also  fell into the pressure to follow the crowd. It was until she got a rude awakening of the situation she was getting herself into and that whatever she had before could still be as she wanted that she got back on track. Even thou it feels like she is now back to zero, its better than where she was headed to settle below zero.

it might sound like a metaphor... my brain does this at night. comment down if you ever feel this way or its just me stuck in the struggle.